One God-Damn Hit?: Excellent Work, Skins Fans

If you're offended by the word fuck, then get the fuck out.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Excellent Work, Skins Fans

Remember on Friday when I urged people going to the Falcons-Skins game to bring as many anti-Snyder signs as possible? Well fucking A, the Skins fans are even more dedicated than I thought! People actually drove from D.C. to Atlanta just to show off signs deriding that little troll Dan Snyder. How does that guy sleep at night? He's clearly a sensitive little prick so it's not like he's running around saying 'fuck it' and then banging a hooker and calling it a night. I picture him downing a bottle of Chardonnay, then crying himself to sleep as he hugs his teddy. Fucking pussy.

Source, and many more pictures: DC Sports Blog