One God-Damn Hit?: Tuesday Thumbs Up: Celtics game, Black Friday and The Muppets

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tuesday Thumbs Up: Celtics game, Black Friday and The Muppets

Since I need to post something happy after last night's complete and utter shitbeating, I introduce Tuesday Thumbs Up! Here are a couple things that I give a thumbs up to from the last week...

On Wednesday I went to my first C's game of the year. The game was fine, not terribly exciting, but at least it was a win. Whatever. My Thumbs Up goes to some pervy dad sitting near my section. At some point in the 4th quarter, a Celtics cheerleader left courtside and stood on the stairs next to my row. Pretty much every guy in the vicinity was ogling her, and for good reason. But pervy dad had a brilliant idea...he took his 6-year old son and had him pose for a picture with the hottie. Pretty fucking savvy if you ask me. If the wife gets pissed he can claim he was just doing it for the kid. And the kid will thank him forever once he hits puberty, cuts his young self out of the picture and uses it as material for treating himself like an amusement park. Nice work, pervy dad. You are a genius. Thumbs up to you, my man.

I've never gone shopping on Black Friday before. Battling hordes of insane people just to save a few bucks? No fucking thank you. But this year we spent Thanksgiving in Maine, minutes away from the Kittery Outlets. Fucking tons and tons of name brand stores up there. They were all opening at midnight with most stores offering 50% or more off of their entire store. Wifey came up with the brilliant idea to try to go at 2am instead of midnight to miss the crowds. And wouldn't you know, it worked out fucking perfectly. The stores were fucking ghost towns. Apparently when they opened at midnight it was a fucking zoo. We timed it perfectly, hit up a bunch of stores and saved a shitload of money on stuff we needed to buy anyway. Outfuckingstanding. And somehow I wasn't even hungover, which was a HUGE added bonus. So thumbs up to you, Wifey, and the outlets' Black Friday sales. Thanks to you, my Christmas shopping is basically done. Fuck. Yes.

And finally, this video of The Muppets performing Bohemian Rhapsody has been circulating the blogosphere for a few days and I finally got around to watching it today. It is fucking outstanding. Ginormous thumbs up to whoever created this.

(Note: Fuck the fucker who disabled embedding of the original Muppets video I posted. Fuck you buddy!)