One God-Damn Hit?: Dorn of the Week: Glen Davis

If you're offended by the word fuck, then get the fuck out.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Dorn of the Week: Glen Davis

Well jesus fucking christ it was a slow week for Dorn nominees. Hey assholes! Start acting more assholish so we have shit to write about on this damn site! Fuck. Anyway, so by default (the two sweetest words in the English language) this week's Dorn is Glen 'Big Baby' Davis for the fucktardery of fighting with his best friend and breaking his thumb just night's before the season opener against the Cavs. Fucking idiot. The whole story is strange, but the weirdest part is that when Baby and his fuck-buddy emerged from the SUV after their little slapfight, Baby was shirtless. What the fuck was going on in there? Now, we all know that Baby has no problem going sans shirt...
but jesus, in an SUV with your buddy and your girlfriend at 4am? Fucking lock it up, dude. Anyway, there would be a lot more anger in this post but the Celtics look like they're gonna go 82-0 so I really don't give a shit about not having this fat fucking jackass around for the next 5 or 6 weeks.