One God-Damn Hit?: Man Hazards

If you're offended by the word fuck, then get the fuck out.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Man Hazards

What is a man hazard you ask? Well its something that could only happen to a man due to their unique anatomy (Read: I can pee standing up and you bitches can't!). So anyway, this morning I suffered from the biggest man hazard of all. Sitting on your own fucking balls. Holy shit that hurts. If you don't have a set of nads, then your really don't understand the pain. Any of you women who say child birth hurts more than getting hit in the balls, stop your bitching, this is about me. I'm not really sure how it happens, but I shifted my weight and suddenly I'm in an enormous amount of pain. After the initial shock wears off, I look down only to realize my testicles are stuck under my leg.


So anyway, being the amazing part time investigative journalist that I am, I decided to Google "sitting on your own balls." First result was this gem from WikiAnswers:

Well played, Sir. Well played.