One God-Damn Hit?: MMFU: Postponed!

If you're offended by the word fuck, then get the fuck out.

Monday, February 8, 2010

MMFU: Postponed!

Yesterday at around 10:30am I started making my world famous chili. Part of this involves chopping up an onion. So, chop, chop, chop, whoops, a little bit fell on the floor, let me pick it up.

/bends over to pick it up
/almost passes out from searing back pain

Holy fucking shit! My entire left side, starting from my mid to lower back, all the way down my left leg just screamed in fucking pain. I seriously almost fell down it hurt so bad. I stood back up and the pain continued. Take a step, pain. Stand there, pain. Sit down, pain. Try to bend over, not a fucking chance in hell. Wifey asked if I wanted her to finish getting the chili ready. I told her to get the fuck away from my chili, finished everything, turned the slow cooker on, then collapsed on the couch like a little bitch, where I pretty much stayed the entire rest of the day because doing anything other than lying prone fucking killed me.

This morning it wasn't much better so I dragged my ass to the doctor where they told me I have a strained lumbar. Great. Whatever, at least they gave me painkillers, which I'm about to gobble and then pass out in bed.

So since just sitting here typing right now makes it feel like a railroad spike is being driven into my left asscheek you're going to have to wait until tomorrow to hear my joyous ranting about Peyton's demise, Tony Dungy, the Tebow ad, and a special guest rant from D. Chuck. See you tomorrow, folks. I'm off to spend the rest of my day in a codeine-fueled haze.